Caribou Recovery Program

A video to help BC’s Caribou Recovery Program build relationships with communities

Educational: filming, animation

We collaborated with Fuse Consulting Ltd. to produce videos for the BC government’s Caribou Recovery Program

The caribou populations in BC have been declining for decades, and the Caribou Recovery Program (CRP) aims to implement actions that will help caribou reach self-sustaining population levels. The CRP wanted to create videos to increase public understanding of their program and their successes, and provide a starting point for potential community partners to understand what they do and why it's necessary.

We flew to Kamloops, BC to film CRP scientists and experts working in the field and lab, and to interview them. We ran nine in-person interviews over two days. Alongside filmed footage, we created illustrative-style animations for this video. One cool thing we loved about this project was getting to work with caribou collar footage in the video edit.

We also loved collaborating with the excellent team at Fuse to help them bring their work with the Caribou Recovery Program to life. They drew the beautiful illustrations that our staff animated in this video!

This video explains what the Caribou Program Recovery is, what actions the program takes to recover caribou populations, and how the program works with First Nations and industry partners to achieve their goals.

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